African Cup Of Nations 2006 (1 Viewer)

Zé Tahir

Dec 10, 2004
Zlatan said:
I guess it's just like rading about a tragedy somewhere in the world. For example 20 children died in a bus accident in China, thats so tragic, so sad, so... oh, look, CSI Miami is on!

Understand what I want to say? Sure, it might be sad, tragic, etc, but yeah, dont really care much.
true dat. but CSI sucks :D
Jul 19, 2003
Zlatan said:
Damn man, thats fucked up. Where do you live?
What car was it?

I ahte to sound bitchy, but ALWAYS wear your seatbelt, it can save your life!

Baton Rouge, Louisiana...U.S. The car was a 91 Corolla.....I had it for about 5.5 years and it ran like a brand new car with 180k miles on it. I miss it already. :cry:

As for the seatbelt deal.....I don't think it would've been much better off if I had it on in this particular case, but trust me...I've learned my lesson.

Thanks Espectro for wishing me well. And thanks Majed...haven't heard from you in a long time...I guess Egypt has to win something. :)


Senior Member
Jan 18, 2006
FORZA EGYPT FORZA EGYPT FORZA EGYPT.The bst day in my life.I cried today like I never did before.With all my respect we are the best people in the world.If I only can describe to u whats happening here.U wont imagine & If I took all day to describe,I will be a lier.Anyway there were more than a million egyptian in the streets og Cairo & the City was really on Fire.FORZA EGYPT & I really love u.


Senior Member
Jan 18, 2006
Modo Bianconero said:


the celebrations here were oon all night long .. till the cops fuked it up for every1 :(
The cops did nothing man I stayed in Margani till 2:30 in the morning & nothing happened we were celebrating like crazy & we took of our T_shirts & there were no Cops at all.Anyway Mabrouk & this is really THE BEST DAY IN MY LIFE!!!!


Formerly known as Ali
Jul 15, 2002
nosubstitute959 said:
Well...stopped at a red light behind 2 cars...and a truck hits me from behind (wasn't wearing my seatbelt) my head slams on the steering wheel and I'm unconscious for a few seconds...regain consciousness and I try opening the door...had to kick it open. I discover that I also hit the person infront of me and him the one infront of him.

So at first, the guy tries to drive away...but witnesses on the scene follow him and bring his ass back for the police. Bitch ass cops deny he was drunk...I think racism-related, but he's screwed anyway...hit-and-run, uninsured vehicle, and he's the cause of the accident by all accounts.

My injuries...gashed shin, concussion, whiplash, laceration in the back of the head (requiring 3 staples)...I'm slowly getting better, but now I've got a damn lawsuit to worry school work which I've put off for a week.

This was a serious reminder for me that everything can go in the blink of an eye.
That's some scary stuff. Am glad you got out ok.
Congratulations to Egypt.


Senior Member
Jan 18, 2006
Alfio_87 said:
i dont understand how so many teams like Nigeria , Cameroun ,Egpyt,Senegal done so well in africa cup yet did not qualify in WC...WHy is this so?
This year was so strange in the Wc qualifiers in Africa all the big teams were out like Nigeria Cameroon Egypt Marocco Senegal coz the groups were unfair especiallt for Egypt & Camerron.Anyway don't expect a lot from Africans teams in the Wc except may be Tunisie & Cote D'ivoire(will be hard they r in the group of death)

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