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  1. v1rtu4l

    [Friendly] JUVENTUS 3-2 West Ham United [7th August, 2016]

    hernanes and zaza to save the day :p
  2. v1rtu4l

    [Friendly] JUVENTUS 3-2 West Ham United [7th August, 2016]

    thats another minute delayed but at least it is not as crappy quality as the other non sop-cast streams
  3. v1rtu4l

    [Friendly] JUVENTUS 3-2 West Ham United [7th August, 2016]

    that is not even showing the game !
  4. v1rtu4l

    [Friendly] JUVENTUS 3-2 West Ham United [7th August, 2016]

    sopcast seems to be 1 minute behind or something (and choppy for me)