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  1. swag

    Oscar nominees are..

    I liked Blood Diamond, even if it was heavy on the hokey.
  2. swag

    Oscar nominees are..

    The Academy is still preoccupied trying to roll back what level role he's playing in Inception.
  3. swag

    Oscar nominees are..

    Amour will be found guilty of doping and will be disqualified. :pado:
  4. swag

    Oscar nominees are..

    Still mad at Kathryn Bigelow for not making Point Break 2?
  5. swag

    Oscar nominees are..

    Not just best picture, but it's up for a ton -- even Golden Globes. Like when did they lose their funny-talk paranoia?
  6. swag

    Oscar nominees are..

    You're confusing that with Muntari Unchained.
  7. swag

    Oscar nominees are..

    That's all bullshit. Everyone knows that all the awards will go to Spanish films, actors, and directors this year. :andyandbarcelona: