Search results

  1. swag

    B or A

    Off. Dafuq kind of passive aggressive douchebags resort to semaphores because they're TFlazy to reply?? Reposado or Ańejo?
  2. swag

    B or A

    Smarter: Hustini or Krasic? :P
  3. swag

    B or A

    FL'age, of course. :duh: Zombie Apocalypse or Apocalypse Now?
  4. swag

    B or A

    "Зенит Санкт-Петербург" or "Мой брат живет в Мексике"?
  5. swag

    B or A

    Nina Hagen Dazs. Old Vegas or New Vegas?
  6. swag

    B or A

    Paolo Dondarini death by fire, or Paolo Dondarini death by army ants?
  7. swag

    B or A

    Or three-legged Asian 'girl'? :P
  8. swag

    B or A

    :lol: Now we're getting creative.
  9. swag

    B or A

    Bes in a chair or the Trojans?
  10. swag

    B or A

    Date tree. Palms are a dime a dozen here (and are actually not indigenous to California, but are rather imports from Mexico). vB2 Juventuz or vB3? :D
  11. swag

    B or A

    Rocket launcher for style points. Incendiary or shrapnel bomb?
  12. swag

    B or A

    Ear. Hangovers: Jager or Sambuca?
  13. swag

    B or A

    I gotta go with wanger here. Don't get me wrong -- I like guys. But not that much. Cake or death?
  14. swag

    B or A

    Trotsky Gretzky or Trotsky?
  15. swag

    B or A

    Too easy: Lennon. Lenin or Lennon?
  16. swag

    B or A

    Extreme cold. Jimi Hendrix and The Experience or Band of Gypsys?
  17. swag

    B or A

    As one of my favorite foods, I sure as well know there is a difference! (Though there's less of a difference with Northern Indian food, versus, say, Madras cuisine.) Pakistani food. :thumb: Naan or roti?
  18. swag

    B or A

    Trousers. Pants or underwear?
  19. swag

    B or A

    BMW. The toilet paper roll over or under?
  20. swag

    B or A

    Vino rosso! Primi or secondi?