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  1. radekas

    House of Cards

    The season wasn't bad at all. It's still a top notch series but it suffers from the same thing that every successful show does - people expect more and more and start to nitpick. It's well worth watching if you already watched previous seasons. I mean, I usually want to see how the story ends...
  2. radekas

    House of Cards

    Sigh, another cliffhanger season ending. Y U DO DIS TV SHOWS? It's not like people would stopped watching if you actually closed the stories you started :shifty:.
  3. radekas

    House of Cards

    Seems like everyone missed it but season 4 has been out for 3 days. I've watched 4 episodes so far and it has been brilliant.
  4. radekas

    House of Cards

    I think it's great.
  5. radekas

    House of Cards

    It's funny how people consider him badass because it's a TV Show but a real politician doing all that would probably end up getting lynched on the streets :D.
  6. radekas

    House of Cards

    I'm 7 episodes into season 2 right now and man this show is perfect. This season is even better than season 1, with all its greater political machinations.
  7. radekas

    House of Cards

    Well, HOLY SHIT. That was probably the best season start I've seen. The last minute by Spacey was fantastic (also FU :rofl:).
  8. radekas

    House of Cards

    I hope the TPB won't dissapoint me.
  9. radekas

    House of Cards

    He looks 20 years younger than he is on this pic.