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  1. jaecole

    whatever happened to

    awk sure it tis :D Thats a good one. Or I love an Irish person saying 'the whole thing is pathetic'. Its like 'teh whole tings patetic' Though im not making fun, I love the Irish and Ireland, just search my posts about Irish girls or cities for evidence :D
  2. jaecole

    whatever happened to

    Oh I wasn't even talking about accents. And you mean that one out of snatch? I though that wasn't a real accent, I've certainly never heard it :D
  3. jaecole

    whatever happened to

    You irish fellas have a funny way of spelling boy right? Bhoys? Boyz? or somein? :D
  4. jaecole

    whatever happened to

    Isn't it boi! :D Holla at ya boi
  5. jaecole

    whatever happened to

    I read it three times and backwards and still not one iota :D
  6. jaecole

    whatever happened to

    Emma and Claire need to return. Or atleast one of them :D