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  1. gray

    River cant post

    Ditto. I use IMHO a fair bit IIRC :)
  2. gray

    River cant post

    As Far As I Know ;) There was a thread on all these abbreviations before...
  3. gray

    River cant post

    Ahh that reminds me of the old days where I could access this site once in a blue moon because of all the DoS attacks :irritate: It's always difficult blocking complete IP address ranges though, I mean a whole bunch of users can have very similar IPs simply due to the ISP that they connect...
  4. gray

    River cant post

    Yeah Marty thanks for that mate :flirt: I'm assuming it's when you hit 10,000 posts right? You didn't update the ranks page yet :geek:
  5. gray

    River cant post

    ermmm sure... "accidentally" :D