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  1. gray Custom Styles

    I don't use Opera, but try this
  2. gray Custom Styles

    Yep. You can download the Stylish extension for Chrome too, but the procedure is a little different. Once you've installed it, right-click the icon then click options. Create a new style for The code is a tiny bit different div.threaddetails { display:none !important...
  3. gray Custom Styles

    Here's the code to make the links inside posts 'visible' (right now they're the same colour as regular text). You an use your own colours or add stuff like underlines etc. @namespace url(; @-moz-document domain("") { .postcontent a:link...
  4. gray Custom Styles

    I got sick of waiting around for the bug I screenshotted to be squashed, so I put together a simple solution (Firefox only, though I'm sure there are equivalents), using the Stylish Add-on. On that note, since you can change the appearance of pretty much anything you want, I've made a separate...