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  1. Imo?

    DHYC :flirt: (I just made that up :D )
  2. Imo?

    Well, they are quite common on one another forum I'm a member of. :)
  3. Imo?

    No, I didnt invent any of them, they are quite common on some other forums actually :undecide: LOL- Laugh Out Loud
  4. Imo?

    Good Vit, I forgot WTH and WTF :D ROTFL - Rolling On The Floor Laughing and RTFM - Read The ****ing Manual - when somebody asks something really stupid and easy :D ;)
  5. Imo?

    dont worry, you'll get used to IMO, IMHO, ROTFL, LOL, RTFM, and stuff like that soon ;)