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  1. Vinman

    Giovanni Cobolli Gigli

    I'm usually right, whether you care to listen or not start praying..... it cant come soon enough !!
  2. Vinman

    Giovanni Cobolli Gigli

    from Channel4 today- I've been saying for 2 months that these transfers were shit....and now people finally realize that, once the season is in full swing
  3. Vinman

    Giovanni Cobolli Gigli

    Get out GOOFY, BLANK, SUCKO, and RUINERI !!!!!
  4. Vinman

    Giovanni Cobolli Gigli

    Gigli wouldnt know 2 footballs from my fucking sack of balls :P
  5. Vinman

    Giovanni Cobolli Gigli

    Is this retard for real ?? Maybe all his "yes-men" in his office sign the praises of this bungling board and RUINeri, but if Gigli started coming here and listening to the REAL fans, he would have no choice but to accept the TRUTH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:agree: