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  1. Torkel

    Favourite movie of all time.

    So he´ll finally buy an apartment, or...? ;)
  2. Torkel

    Favourite movie of all time.

    Hugh Grant´s innit, so that´s pretty much a sure bet.
  3. Torkel

    Favourite movie of all time.

    As I said you were right, he surrendered by himself. Or atleast that´s what he wanted us to think... :dazed: :D
  4. Torkel

    Favourite movie of all time.

    You were right. I DO remember. :angel: :cheesy:
  5. Torkel

    Favourite movie of all time.

    No biggie. :) Watch it anyways Bes, it´s very good.
  6. Torkel

    Favourite movie of all time.

    Don`t spoil the movie for people by telling the end Jeannette, it`s surprising and quite clever. :)
  7. Torkel

    Favourite movie of all time.

    Who`s in that?
  8. Torkel

    Favourite movie of all time.

    I also love scary movies, but I get easily scared by them. Not "jumping out of my seat" scared, just plain ol` scared.
  9. Torkel

    Favourite movie of all time.

    Pulp Fiction would probably top my list too. With this and the fact that you like "...And you will know us..." I must say that you have very good taste. :cool: But regarding the topic, it's very hard to choose ONE film. So many good ones, I'll try to make a full list later.