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  1. Sjaban

    [WC] World Cup 2014 - General Talk Thread

    Very enjoying match from a neutral perspective, but such disgraceful defending by Brazil. Before the World Cup most of us agreed that on paper Brazils defense was its strongest department, but look at them tonight. What a joke..
  2. Sjaban

    [WC] World Cup 2014 - General Talk Thread

    The main antagonist in this game was the referee, for letting shit get so out of hand. There was literally no control on the pitch and several players were running around the pitch frustrated which is always a dangerous sign.
  3. Sjaban

    [WC] World Cup 2014 - General Talk Thread

    2002 was much more of a K1 tournament than a world cup. With the Koreans decimating Italy, Spain and Portugal with high kicks and career threatening tackles..
  4. Sjaban

    [WC] World Cup 2014 - General Talk Thread

    Definitely the most enjoyable yeah
  5. Sjaban

    [WC] World Cup 2014 - General Talk Thread

    Massive inferiority complex going on in Uruguay.. They should name it the Suarez Syndrome
  6. Sjaban

    [WC] World Cup 2014 - General Talk Thread

    Blind can't block at all, he was like a non moving pillar yesterday, did he even have one successful block tackle?
  7. Sjaban

    [WC] World Cup 2014 - General Talk Thread

    Let's hope De Jong makes it, rumours have it that he's sustained a groin injury. Hopefully that's not that case, as that would mean he'd be out of the tournament. - - - Updated - - - This might be true, but players like Daley Blind are Catania material at most..
  8. Sjaban

    [WC] World Cup 2014 - General Talk Thread

    I'm still glad we (Holland) managed to avoid the bigger teams, but the Mexico game will be tough. I still think that on paper this is the best WC draw Holland has ever had in the knock out stages, but that doesn't say shit of course
  9. Sjaban

    [WC] World Cup 2014 - General Talk Thread

    I can't see Paulo Bento staying on as coach of Portugal either.
  10. Sjaban

    [WC] World Cup 2014 - General Talk Thread

    Decent line-up, but Miranda should've definitely been picked over Henrique
  11. Sjaban

    [WC] World Cup 2014 - General Talk Thread

    Ahhh Portugal, the European equivalent of Argentina. Willing to do whatever it takes to win, even if that means destroying the shit out of players..