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  1. Salvo

    American NFL Football

    Fucking hell. We just didn't capitalise when we had the chance. That's heartbreaking
  2. Salvo

    American NFL Football

    Brutal stuff for the 9ers, how many damn qbs does this team need.
  3. Salvo

    American NFL Football

    My niners grinded this one out
  4. Salvo

    American NFL Football

    [emoji38] Can't do it lads I'm a one team type of guy
  5. Salvo

    American NFL Football

    I don't have the mental capacity for two leagues [emoji38]
  6. Salvo

    American NFL Football

    When will we know draft position boss? Are we still half ppr?
  7. Salvo

    American NFL Football

    Draft is tonight, no? Well. For me anyway
  8. Salvo

    American NFL Football

    If we can ywah, that would be 11pm for me Which is i think what we did last year
  9. Salvo

    American NFL Football

    @Dru Whats the time for you guys with this new time?
  10. Salvo

    American NFL Football

    Sweet, legend. I'll probs just play the standard
  11. Salvo

    American NFL Football

    What's the keeper league? Umm new time for draft still comes up as the same for me? Could we do 6 hours earlier than what it's set as now? Is it easier to do on a Saturday for you guyd Sunday for me?
  12. Salvo

    American NFL Football

    I like the current format. What time did we run it last season? The draft I mean. Current default time is 5 am for me, any way we could do it 6 hours earlier lol.
  13. Salvo

    American NFL Football

    We doing fantasy again?
  14. Salvo

    American NFL Football

    What a fucking ridiculous game Our offense was woeful bar Deebo. Holy shit.
  15. Salvo

    American NFL Football

    Let me know about the latest trade I sent you
  16. Salvo

    American NFL Football

    I've sent you a trade
  17. Salvo

    American NFL Football

    Hello sir Chat to me on the fantasy app I wanna do business with you
  18. Salvo

    American NFL Football

  19. Salvo

    American NFL Football

    Yo who's catalina wine mixon in fantasy. Come chat to me about the trade
  20. Salvo

    American NFL Football

    When we doing this?