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  1. Pegi

    Global Warming Discussion

    This is one of those topics that seperates people. Majority are lazy and cannot have constructive criticism and seeking for easy and lazy solutions and therefore, accepting alot of shit to be true in their just to have easier days to go through. Humans have been seeking truth on everything...
  2. Pegi

    Global Warming Discussion

    Anybody who believes this just proves you’re lacking common sense. Money makes every decision in this world.
  3. Pegi

    Global Warming Discussion

    You wiping the sweat from your forehead must be a scientific fact that current climate is warming.
  4. Pegi

    Global Warming Discussion

    Earth will always adapt and even if you tried to destroy it, you couldn't. So it's better to stop the propaganda with those lines "save the planet" etc, because planet isn't going anywhere no matter how big of an atomic bomb you dropped in here. It's the life in here that would go away...
  5. Pegi

    Global Warming Discussion

    But ain't pterodactyls natural creations on earth?
  6. Pegi

    Global Warming Discussion

    Ok, explain how the average temperature of earth was 15c higher millions of years ago then? If those cycles and numbers are facts of course.