Search results

  1. Martin


    I had to reinstall windoze once after getting something off kazaa, norton didn't get it. Hmpf. And btw, there's only one Kazaa lite. No, of course not but this is the best one:
  2. Martin


    I'm guessing you have to upload a certain amount before you get the credentials :undecide:
  3. Martin


    Just to be clear, you can use it on lowID, I don't even know if there's a big difference.
  4. Martin


    Then you gotta set up port forwarding and blabla. :groan:
  5. Martin


    It's as simple as it is annoying. You get a high ID if your port 4662 is accessible (I believe you can change this to another port as well in the prefs), otherwise you're stuck with lowID. If you connect directly to the net, you should always have a highID unless you have a firewall on your...
  6. Martin


    Well then I can't help you. :D But know that the network has a reciprocal system, the more you upload, the more you can download.
  7. Martin


    Pick the files that have the most sources, also check that you have a "highID" as opposed to "lowID" ( And when you search, turn on "global" as opposed to only searching the server you're connected to.
  8. Martin

  9. Martin


    overnet is absolute crap, it's one of several clients made to access the edonkey network, which isn't crap. But since the edonkey client is, there are several alternatives, including the usable emule.