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  1. Lilianna

    eery story

    too sience fiction. or better.....too much out or the real world!! shit! good for me i didnt' go to watvh "the others" :D
  2. Lilianna

    eery story

    not fooling around though! ;) but i am a bit used to the ppl's here jokes.... ;)
  3. Lilianna

    eery story

    not to understand what zlatan??
  4. Lilianna

    eery story

    why did you stick sooooooo much to it??? ok... i will edit my post. sutisfied???
  5. Lilianna

    eery story

    who knows...??? well... there is still the _a_e from have. now,the h came in the beginng and the w is next to e and above a.........
  6. Lilianna

    eery story

    OOPS....... what's wrong with me today???
  7. Lilianna

    eery story

    wahe...??? what's that??
  8. Lilianna

    eery story

    :flirt::flirt::flirt::flirt: ok.... i'll tell gigi to get prepared... we have flight to england in 2 hours...!!!! glenn,have it in mind!!
  9. Lilianna

    eery story

    come on!! :P stop! :P..... glenn.... which girl did you mean that will come with her bf that is a golie in serie A??? :flirt:
  10. Lilianna

    eery story

    :embarass: meet....... :P
  11. Lilianna

    eery story

    plz make sure that when we 2 meat one day, you won't bing your knives! :scared: just to be sure you won't crave to use them! ;)
  12. Lilianna

    eery story

    glenn would come with a camera!! :LOL::LOL:
  13. Lilianna

    eery story

    lucky you...!!! so together, look in this mirror at oo:oo and i'll tell you what strange will happen.... all of sudden........ the mirror breaks!!!!! :LOL::LOL::LOL::LOL:
  14. Lilianna

    eery story

    let me guess who....??:D:devil:
  15. Lilianna

    eery story

    :thumb: listen, i absolutelly realize that the whole buffon thing is a dream and that it will stay a dream. just gimme me a chance to dream without making fun of me. plz. i am asking for a favour. i am not carzy or whatever with him. the only thing i am asking is a chance to dream...
  16. Lilianna

    eery story

    i guess i have! ;)
  17. Lilianna

    eery story

    i am looking my self at the mirror most of the time and never ever has smg happened..... cause if it would happen, í would be probably dead from heart attack!!! :LOL: