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    Game of Thrones [TV, not the book, no spoilers!]

    So they make Bran the king cause he had a telling story He fell a tower and lived, he went behind the wall, and became the 3 eyed raven.. and he is the history of mankind. But Jon who the full series was always doing the right thing,, fought the night walkers, came back from dead,, who is the...

    Game of Thrones [TV, not the book, no spoilers!]

    What a fucking episode 2 more to come? It looks i wasted 200 hours of my life hahahaha Well, nothing still compare to Vampire diaries, i wasted probably over 500 hours of my life on absolutely nothing,, not even a useful sentence, saying,, or a thought. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    Game of Thrones [TV, not the book, no spoilers!]

    In 1 hour more? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    Game of Thrones [TV, not the book, no spoilers!]

    Thanks @Cerval and @Ronn Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    Game of Thrones [TV, not the book, no spoilers!]

    So after how many hours the next episode? I remember I watched E1S8 on Monday last week But not sure since when it was available already on Wavo Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk