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  1. IrishZebra

    Religious leaders factually wrong. Again. (Shocking.)

    It's liberated actually, I feel sorry for sheep like you.
  2. IrishZebra

    Religious leaders factually wrong. Again. (Shocking.)

    Just becuase you are too stupid/scared to face the obvious futility of your existence doesn't make the answer poor. It's the right answer, like it or not, we live to progate the species, everything esle is stupid. We're smart apes with ideas above our station.
  3. IrishZebra

    Religious leaders factually wrong. Again. (Shocking.)

    A poor answer, explain to me how that is a poor answer, unless you don't believe in evolution, then you're a moron. The Bible.Qu'Ran (whatever) offer answers, WRONG answers. It tells you how to act, determining how to ac ton your own will clearly take longer than if you are told how to act.
  4. IrishZebra

    Religious leaders factually wrong. Again. (Shocking.)

    Non-Religious Morality takes way more thought than its theist enemy. The purpose of life???? To extend our evolutonary chain as far from the common ancestor as possible. any other life questions you need simple answers to, just holla!
  5. IrishZebra

    Religious leaders factually wrong. Again. (Shocking.)

    Tend to think about what? Faith or just in general, because I'm waaay smarter than the pope.
  6. IrishZebra

    Religious leaders factually wrong. Again. (Shocking.)

    thoughtlessness if for the religious???
  7. IrishZebra

    Religious leaders factually wrong. Again. (Shocking.)

    Jews giving sometihng for free.....
  8. IrishZebra

    Religious leaders factually wrong. Again. (Shocking.)

    I'm with them on bagels but not on this.