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  1. IceBlu

    What are your fear and fobias? *Scary*

    yeah im not a big fan of Jenna either. don't get me wrong, i LOVE her work :D but shes not "beautiful". I prefer mainsteam actresses over Porn Stars anyway :P. Serge, my best wishes are with you and hopefully it all works out as planned :). anyway, would you prefer a girl or a boy :D ?
  2. IceBlu

    What are your fear and fobias? *Scary*

    I want to get married some day too... not to a hot blonde obsessed with her looks, but to someone who loves me for who i am. I look up to my mother who has all the qualities i expect in my wife. Do you have any children yet USA Juventini ?
  3. IceBlu

    What are your fear and fobias? *Scary*

    LOL haha... i don't have enough patience to be a teacher :D i tried doing it this year at college. Its just not for me :)
  4. IceBlu

    What are your fear and fobias? *Scary*

    NESS is a suffix to words like sweet which makes it a Noun. ex. Sweetness - which is the noun for the adjective sweet. (other examples - tenderness, happyness, sadness etc) LESS is a suffix that means Without in most instances. Example : Sleepless. - which means without sleep. (or restless...
  5. IceBlu

    What are your fear and fobias? *Scary*

    Im afraid of heights. I have done sky diving couple of times but looking down from a sky scraper freaks me out. Im not afraid of anything else.