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  1. Ian

    The Holocaust

    Praised by whom?
  2. Ian

    The Holocaust

    Yeah, you know, I never thought of it that way before... I guess everyone did benefit from the holocaust, must have been a zionist plot. What would be more logical than to kill millions of your own people just to gain the sentiment of the allied nations? Brilliant...
  3. Ian

    The Holocaust

    Nah, the poll should be: How twisted are holocaust deniers for using one of recent histories greatest crimes for their own ends? A: Twisted or B: Michael Jackson-crossed-with-Charles Manson Twisted
  4. Ian

    The Holocaust

    How is this even a poll? Do people out there really think that millions of witnesses made this shit up? I mean, my great uncle was in a concentration camp, witnessed first hand... If it's a poll, there should only be one answer available...