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  1. Hydde

    Suikoden Series.

    well u are quite right... it was not bad movie... but what really pissed me that i was waiting for a movie bsed on what final fantrasy really is, and no those SCi Fi thing. I was really waiting for a tale of knights and dragons (like the old ffs) or story more resembled to the games...
  2. Hydde

    Suikoden Series.

    naaa gray!!
  3. Hydde

    Suikoden Series.

    wooaaa i saw the trailer!!! i acnt wait for that moviEE!!
  4. Hydde

    Suikoden Series.

    NO silly boy..... The REAL final fantasy movie.. that one aboput those orange aliens was a crap.... this one is about i think the most famous FF of all the series, the FF VII (althou my favs games the old ones in Super NES) IMO the FFVII wa sthe lats of the good final fantays...
  5. Hydde

    Suikoden Series.

    jaja i didnt vene knew that it was in kanji........ HEY..... WAIT A MOMENT.......... ur avatar................ hey!!!! Did u know when tha6 final fantasy movie will come out?? i SAW THE TRAIlers and i want to see it desesperately!!!
  6. Hydde

    Suikoden Series.

    Jajaj...yes i knew it has so many endings... i even didnt recollected all those starts of destiny... because there were some guys that never wanted to join my party i dont know why.. but in those times i didnt had computer and i didnt knew "gamefaqs" existed ;) Well i think now is a little...
  7. Hydde

    Suikoden Series.

    I played more or less 6 years ago...suikoden 1 and part of 2.. yeah u are right guys.. those games are excelelnt.. U can believe that a guy that is with me in unoiversity..and is my best friend.. he have suikoden 3 and he didnt play it:: P I was thinking to ask for his ps 2 and the...