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  1. Hust

    Egypt: from 2011 demonstrations to today

    I've been to the Red Sea via Jordan. :D #Aqaba
  2. Hust

    Egypt: from 2011 demonstrations to today

    :touched: Forza my right wing self.
  3. Hust

    Egypt: from 2011 demonstrations to today

    :fap: - - - Updated - - - Done.
  4. Hust

    Egypt: from 2011 demonstrations to today

    You're talking to hustini here.
  5. Hust

    Egypt: from 2011 demonstrations to today

    It's sad and ridiculous. I'm sorry you guys are going through this. I don't get it. My GF is Muslim and neither her or anyone in her family has an angry bone in their bodies. It's so unfortunate. - - - Updated - - - I know Christians have extremes but I feel bad for the good Muslims being...
  6. Hust

    Egypt: from 2011 demonstrations to today What the fuck
  7. Hust

    Egypt: from 2011 demonstrations to today

    Egypt down, USA up next. :snoop:
  8. Hust

    Egypt: from 2011 demonstrations to today

    stay safe man...