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  1. Gino Genesio

    [Serie A] Juventus vs. Inter

    and celebrations ;) :D
  2. Gino Genesio

    [Serie A] Juventus vs. Inter

    yeah i know but hey... and yea i hope zlatan is o.k
  3. Gino Genesio

    [Serie A] Juventus vs. Inter

    guys stop the zlatan vs delpiero thing! they are both juventus players and i support both! I hope zlatan isent injured and i hope delpiero have a good second half ;) Forza Juve!
  4. Gino Genesio

    [Serie A] Juventus vs. Inter

    i know but still! juventus doesent deserf this ! if delle alpi was in barcelona ore milan ore belgium ore sweden ore anywere els than turin than juventus would have like 100.000 fans every match!
  5. Gino Genesio

    [Serie A] Juventus vs. Inter

    do you mean that? its so shamefull :down:
  6. Gino Genesio

    [Serie A] Juventus vs. Inter

    is the delle alpi full?