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  1. *OFFICIAL* The President Barack Obama Thead

    If the US could be more 'fair' in their foreign policy (especially) considering Israel-US, terrorism and many other issues, they'll get at least a lot of respect from other countries. IMO, United States under Bush government has been failed to do this. I don't know why, but in many points I...
  2. *OFFICIAL* The President Barack Obama Thead

    I'm not surprised at all. Israeli are friends to US, right? No matter they're terrorist or not.
  3. *OFFICIAL* The President Barack Obama Thead

    Ohh, it' s none of your bussines, Burke :P:
  4. *OFFICIAL* The President Barack Obama Thead

    yes, Forza Barack en Ciao Bush! Kabar baik alhamdulillah, skrg tinggal di Medan atau Taiwan?
  5. *OFFICIAL* The President Barack Obama Thead

    That's his nickname in elementary school ;) Ask him :D
  6. *OFFICIAL* The President Barack Obama Thead

    Congrats Barry!