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  1. Fake Melo

    Libya 2011 Demonstrations

    Gaddafi's will: In his testament, Gaddafi urges supporters to go on resisting. He alludes to choosing to fight and die inside Libya rather than picking the easier but, in his view, dishonourable route of exile abroad – from where, he implies, he would receive "many offers" of support. The...
  2. Fake Melo

    Libya 2011 Demonstrations

    Well, thats up to discussion :P
  3. Fake Melo

    Libya 2011 Demonstrations

    I think you may have misunderstood me. With a proper burial I meant Islamic burial. With a namaze-janaza and an Imam. I didn't mean that he should get a marked grave (Could lead to shirk)
  4. Fake Melo

    Libya 2011 Demonstrations

    To each his own, no? I am sure some people would prefer the burial if they strongly believes in life after death.
  5. Fake Melo

    Libya 2011 Demonstrations

    :lol: My point is - I would share Cheese with Ghaddafi :P
  6. Fake Melo

    Libya 2011 Demonstrations

    Should open a thread for US elections. They're always interesting.
  7. Fake Melo

    Libya 2011 Demonstrations

    They say your leaders reflects your people.
  8. Fake Melo

    Libya 2011 Demonstrations

    I thought I was 12?
  9. Fake Melo

    Libya 2011 Demonstrations

    Lets say.. I believe. If me, Cheese and Ghaddafi were stranded on a island with minimum food - Knowing Ghaddafi is a murderer I'd share the food with him just as I would with Cheese.
  10. Fake Melo

    Libya 2011 Demonstrations

    Where did I talk about punishments and laws? Everyone should be treated equally. Even if one is a murderer and another is a civilian.
  11. Fake Melo

    Libya 2011 Demonstrations

    What are you friends ayatollah's? Are they giving out fatwas? Do they pray? Are they practical muslims or muslims by name? What kind of argument is this that they would "slap you hard". Who are they? How about I break their arms for saying he shouldn't have a proper burial? Your friends seems...
  12. Fake Melo

    Libya 2011 Demonstrations

    That's the difference. In Islam everyone are equal. Its up to God to judge.
  13. Fake Melo

    Libya 2011 Demonstrations

    I'd say he is a muslim. I can't judge him otherwise. And a propal burial :tup:
  14. Fake Melo

    Libya 2011 Demonstrations

    How so? Many of the suicidebombers in Iraq now are Saddam's loyal supporters. They are affecting the country's stability as well.
  15. Fake Melo

    Libya 2011 Demonstrations

    Saddam is dead though, many of his loyal supporters are tearing shit up in Iraq. I pray that Libya makes it.
  16. Fake Melo

    Libya 2011 Demonstrations

    Libyan NTC vice chairman Abdul Hafiz Ghoga confirms Muammar Gaddafi killed.
  17. Fake Melo

    Libya 2011 Demonstrations

    :tup: Hopefully we'll see Palestine liberated as well. Nonetheless inna lilahi wa inna ilahi rajihoon.
  18. Fake Melo

    Libya 2011 Demonstrations

    TBH Fred, I am happy for you and Libya but I am very worried that Israel and US will get their puppets to replace Ghaddafi. I can't help but think that it would be naive to think that his replacement will be "better" than him.
  19. Fake Melo

    Libya 2011 Demonstrations

  20. Fake Melo

    Libya 2011 Demonstrations