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  1. Enron

    Wojciech Szczęsny

    Imagine there’s no religion…
  2. Enron

    Wojciech Szczęsny

    We have to consider his defense shit itself and left him with no good play to make against the run of play. Obviously he could have covered the near post better and closed the angle down. I think it’s a savable shot. Tek just didn’t react quickly enough like he did later on in the match.
  3. Enron

    Wojciech Szczęsny

    Yeah, Teks problem is 100% confidence related. Not commanding his box, being of two minds on saves, and not holding. Some guys never come back from this.
  4. Enron

    Wojciech Szczęsny

    He’s been shit for a decade mate!
  5. Enron

    Wojciech Szczęsny

    Never a good idea to have a polish goalkeeper
  6. Enron

    Wojciech Szczęsny

    For freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
  7. Enron

    Wojciech Szczęsny

    that’s a good way to get stuck with a mediocre goalkeeper