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  1. Dj Juve

    Movie characters who are like you!

    oww the memories, sweet memories...:D
  2. Dj Juve

    Movie characters who are like you!

    legolas with that arrow straight to the back of the head of legolas ..lucky thing the smeagol fellow jumped and caught the arrow :thumb: ;)
  3. Dj Juve

    Movie characters who are like you!

    hey tom did u see the part when gandalf kills saruman and throws him down to the hell(or whateva that burning place was). was so awesome. and the way he used his staff to throw rocks at saruman...:D ;) vit's getting worried...;)
  4. Dj Juve

    Movie characters who are like you!

    :p sorry ally (:eek: another ryhme!) ;)
  5. Dj Juve

    Movie characters who are like you!

    now he's the elf fellow...i hate that gy, thank god he died ;)
  6. Dj Juve

    Movie characters who are like you!

    what if she's kangaroo jack? :D ;)
  7. Dj Juve

    Movie characters who are like you!

    :D most of the time Jet Li and bruce Lee :p :D ;)