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  1. Dino_mk

    Global Warming Discussion

    Taxpayers money should be spent somewhere. Carbon emission tax also.
  2. Dino_mk

    Global Warming Discussion

    I never said that, I only want to be able to hear both sides. Maybe you are right and debate should be sparked.
  3. Dino_mk

    Global Warming Discussion

    Money, I guess.
  4. Dino_mk

    Global Warming Discussion

    They are good enough to win Nobel prize but if they dare to say something against the popular flow, same scientists turn into YouTube experts and conspiracy theorists. Gottchya!
  5. Dino_mk

    Global Warming Discussion

    It's not corect that severe climate changes only occur in thousands of years. For example there is well documented period in medieval Europe where mini ice age occurred causing failure of crops and food production for couple of years followed by great hunger all over the continent. And that...
  6. Dino_mk

    Global Warming Discussion

    There isn't rapid increase of CO2 in the atmosphere, in contrary CO2 is steadily declining in last 140 milion years. As a planet we are dangerously close to bottom survival threshold for vegetation that means if level of CO2 drops little bit more there will be less food for every living thing on...
  7. Dino_mk

    Global Warming Discussion

    Not surprised also about your uncapabability to read and understand. Here it is one more time, just for "special" people like you: I know climate is changing but it's not 100% man made. Climate was having drastic changes in periods when there was no industry to cause it.
  8. Dino_mk

    Global Warming Discussion

    No, I think u must be stupid to believe that 1 percent of scientists who don't go with a flow are certainly wrong. Once again for you add DAiDEViL, I except climate change is real (I don't claim it's hoax) but I don't believe it is 100% man caused as elite is trying to sell it. U Picciriddu...
  9. Dino_mk

    Global Warming Discussion

    There was time when "rEal sCieNTiSts", or 99% of them claimed that earth was center of the universe. Anyone who was not agreeing was burned alive. This doesn't mean they were right. I totally agree that climate is changing, it was happening during all history of mankind even when there was no...
  10. Dino_mk

    Global Warming Discussion

    I can clearly see the propaganda forced on us. If you can't than maybe you should check yourself.
  11. Dino_mk

    Global Warming Discussion

    Yes he is! How convenient you chose to push only the second example. Te procitav kako selski bukvar! (I see right through you)
  12. Dino_mk

    Global Warming Discussion

    Me choosing to believe in real scientists instead some random influencers is "whataboutism", gotcha!
  13. Dino_mk

    Global Warming Discussion

    What's relevant about Greta Thunberg!?
  14. Dino_mk

    Global Warming Discussion

    I don't deny it is happening, I just want to hear more opinions about the cose of it. And "do nothing" isn't the way but also closing food farms doesn't seem like right solution.
  15. Dino_mk

    Global Warming Discussion

    And r u sure that understand how I intended to be funny? Isn't it funny when someone relevant slaps down narrative government's and their propaganda are so vocal about that people are main reason for climate change. Plastic straws are guilty for majority of air pollution so let's cut down trees...
  16. Dino_mk

    Global Warming Discussion

    [emoji38] :rofl: