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  1. Bozi

    Favourite movies music

    aye i keep meaning to grab it, trust me o brother is a great film a bit strange with the accents but good film. big fan of the jason bourne fils as well, never thought i would buy matt damon as an action hero but he plays the part very well
  2. Bozi

    Favourite movies music

    see never caught the big lebowski, always ben on my list of films to watch just never got round to it. fargo and o brother where art thou are great movies
  3. Bozi

    Favourite movies music

    yeah thats an old film but very funny john cleese is excellent in it but so is kevin kline
  4. Bozi

    Favourite movies music

    deperado was amazing, mostly because it was the first time i seen salma kayeck......hmmmmm...slamaaaaaa
  5. Bozi

    Favourite movies music

    yeah the early jackie chan is just jaw dropping, you wonder how he could do the stuff he did. was watching kung pow tonight gotta be one of the funniest films ever made
  6. Bozi

    Favourite movies music

    oh aye goodfellas is superb, joe pesci is great in that movie
  7. Bozi

    Favourite movies music

    the reminder for.............................? love the godfather movies, most de niro, taxi driver, cape fear,ronin got scarface and serpico from pacino, american history x, and love jackie chan got soem of his best stuff, armour of god, operation condor, drunken master amongst others
  8. Bozi

    Favourite movies music

    yeah it is on the list of films that you just gotta see before you die, what you think of fight club? as you see it is a favourite of mine, my dvd collection is excellent
  9. Bozi

    Favourite movies music

    so....can anyone join in this coversation or is it off limits? for me the greatest film i have evr seen was the usual suspects, i went to the cinema and was drawn into the well woven story and captivated by the performance of kevin spacey. when the final twist arrived i was shocked and when i...