Search results

  1. Bjerknes

    B or A

    Both... at the same time. Dick in the butt or dick in the mouth?
  2. Bjerknes

    B or A

    I would if you picked up your phone... But you know the people: Pado, Sergio, Greg, Dusan, Vinni, Sarah, Enron, Me, RAB, Altair, Alen, Jack, Tahir, Hambon, you know, etc.
  3. Bjerknes

    B or A

    Finally! I've been looking for someone who would do that. Btw, I'm wearing that Ralph Lauren sailor's top you gave me because I'm cold.
  4. Bjerknes

    B or A

    You can only see my veins below my elbows. Apart from my shoulders, I don't have much muscle in my arms.
  5. Bjerknes

    B or A

    Well, I've got two of the three down. My arms are too small. :cry:
  6. Bjerknes

    B or A

    Well, I probably do have runner's calves because I actually run a lot, so they are pretty defined. My thighs though... not sure.
  7. Bjerknes

    B or A

    :lol2: My thighs wishes that.
  8. Bjerknes

    B or A

    My legs are anything but runner's type. They're too fucking big.
  9. Bjerknes

    B or A

    Unfucked faggots.
  10. Bjerknes

    B or A

    Agreed on everything. Big calves because I have soccer player calves. They are bigger than normal.
  11. Bjerknes

    B or A

    Depends on how much chest hair. I have only a little, so I say little chest hair. Semi-fat stomachs or love handles?
  12. Bjerknes

    B or A

    Nice butts are better either way. DOGS.
  13. Bjerknes

    B or A

    Long Island. Nice butt or nice chest?
  14. Bjerknes

    B or A

    Sony. Dillon "The Walking Tanning Bed" Ratigan or Guy "The WOP" Adami?
  15. Bjerknes

    B or A

    Integrals. I fucking hate differential equations. Does George W. Bush have Aides or AIDS?
  16. Bjerknes

    B or A

    Venezuelan or Lebanese females?
  17. Bjerknes

    B or A

    Good call.
  18. Bjerknes

    B or A

    Refugee - Tom Petty and The 'Breakers yo
  19. Bjerknes

    B or A

    Wikipedia, because I don't have a brain. Getting drunk on a Sunday night or getting drunk on a Monday night?
  20. Bjerknes

    B or A

    Fuck you. :D