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  1. A͎u͎s͎h͎

    Mamadou Sakho

    10m would be well spent on Sakho. For sure.
  2. A͎u͎s͎h͎

    Mamadou Sakho

    Noooo! Don't jinx it! ;)
  3. A͎u͎s͎h͎

    Mamadou Sakho

    Sakho would be a dope signing. He'd beat Legro, Mellberg for that partnership with Giorgio, if he's given time. His hair's cool, but not comparable to Cissé :D
  4. A͎u͎s͎h͎

    Mamadou Sakho

    Yep. Especially, Sergio Almiron. Pretty much. Sakho would do really well at Juve.
  5. A͎u͎s͎h͎

    Mamadou Sakho

    Fuck that. I'd be pissed if Fiorentina get him for €5m.
  6. A͎u͎s͎h͎

    Mamadou Sakho

    Ahhhhh. Mamadou Sakho... I remember him, I saw him play at PSG on his debut very impressive actually, even though there was Mickaël Landreau who was vice captain, Jerome Rothen who was captain of Monaco, as well as Mario Yepes who was then Colombian captain; Paul Leguen who has brought up loads...