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  1. sallyinzaghi

    IT IS a Crazy World

    fli you really think being gay is natural? as in one has no choice in choosing to be gay or not?
  2. sallyinzaghi

    IT IS a Crazy World

    I think those who think homosexuality is wrong and those who dont will never change their minds.
  3. sallyinzaghi

    IT IS a Crazy World

    Gay men usually have a great sense of fashion. Really. I still think homosexuality is a human's excuse. We like the weird and wacky.
  4. sallyinzaghi

    IT IS a Crazy World

    Dont worry, I dont feel offended. As long as atheists and believers can show mutual respect for each other and discuss issues it'd be fine :) Nicole, you do realize that every religion teaches you to care about fellow humans. Any religion teaches you to do good things - bad things that happen...
  5. sallyinzaghi

    IT IS a Crazy World

    I think human beings just think too highly of themselves and likes to make excuses for themselves. I have always disagreed with homosexuality because of this reason, not only because my religion prohibits it. However, if I do have a gay friend, I wouldn't consider him any lower than I am, I...