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  1. IT IS a Crazy World

    Your wrong, because basically what you were saying was that they had became what they are, because it was a problem...bascially (even if untentional) you were saying they had become a problem!
  2. IT IS a Crazy World

    That is a very out of order comment...
  3. IT IS a Crazy World

    I think people think to "highly" of god...but no offense nothing against your relegion or anything like that, but if people took more time to care about fellow humans then (IMHO) worshipping something that doesnt exist...
  4. IT IS a Crazy World

    No offense Fred, but if you need someone else to say something that will explain something that YOU believe, then when you cant understand why you do like/accept them, how can you believe that?
  5. IT IS a Crazy World

    My answer would be that he has told me he has...
  6. IT IS a Crazy World

    I know most of the arguments, but I have a friend who is gay, so I will always accept him, and be against what people say against it...
  7. IT IS a Crazy World

    Thats why I dislike 'religions', no offense intended DDP, but no-one has any right to say anything against what someone else wants to at all!!
  8. IT IS a Crazy World

    No excuse...
  9. IT IS a Crazy World

    Disappointed? Excuse you have the right? This is your friends decision, not yours, you dont have the right to be disappointed...I do have a gay friend, and I dont critize him, or say anything like that, and I know how hard it is for him, when he wonders whether to tell him friends, so...