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  1. Slagathor

    Brilliant, another country developes nuclear weapons? Oh lord, save us from Dubya.

    I said PARTLY. The Dutch called for air assistance, first to the French, who refused, then to the Americans, who also refused. Still, the Dutch were to blame mainly. It was OUR protection zone.
  2. Slagathor

    Brilliant, another country developes nuclear weapons? Oh lord, save us from Dubya.

    Oh I know - which is why I'm supporting the movement that wants to dissemble our military. It's of absolutely no use whatsoever. Srebrenica was still partly the Americans and French fault too though - they refused any support of any kind even after repeated requests from the Dutch camp.
  3. Slagathor

    Brilliant, another country developes nuclear weapons? Oh lord, save us from Dubya.

    Yeah I know. Actually - I learned quite a lot later as the war progressed. Especially when NATO mobilised: the B52's were flying over our city and the army mobilised in case of arial counter-attacks. The whole recent history came to us via all media imaginable. I remember the queen appearing...
  4. Slagathor

    Brilliant, another country developes nuclear weapons? Oh lord, save us from Dubya.

    Not if you don't read but just look at the maps :D I remember despising the balcans at primary school when the whole mess was falling apart and we had to update and re-learn everything about every week. :embarass:
  5. Slagathor

    Brilliant, another country developes nuclear weapons? Oh lord, save us from Dubya.

    This is getting interesting, never thought I'd say that about a Balcan geography lesson :dazed:
  6. Slagathor

    Brilliant, another country developes nuclear weapons? Oh lord, save us from Dubya.

    The Spanish legitimately believed Latin America was theirs too. Doesn't mean it is so.
  7. Slagathor

    Brilliant, another country developes nuclear weapons? Oh lord, save us from Dubya.

    Well the Spanish ravaged Latin America and the Dutch, French and English aren't saints either...
  8. Slagathor

    Brilliant, another country developes nuclear weapons? Oh lord, save us from Dubya.

    Oh I know all of that; I was just saying. But yes you're right.
  9. Slagathor

    Brilliant, another country developes nuclear weapons? Oh lord, save us from Dubya.

    A weapon embargo France doesn't seem to care about but alas... Don't be ridiculous - we don't care about either global terrorism or America over here. You do whatever the hell you gotta do but it ain't against the entire world :D
  10. Slagathor

    Brilliant, another country developes nuclear weapons? Oh lord, save us from Dubya.

    I was responding to Andy with that one Tommie ;)
  11. Slagathor

    Brilliant, another country developes nuclear weapons? Oh lord, save us from Dubya.

    You are not nearly original enough Basti ;)
  12. Slagathor

    Brilliant, another country developes nuclear weapons? Oh lord, save us from Dubya.

    Apart from the fact that I have no idea what you just quoted from; that was utter rubbish and you know it ;):D
  13. Slagathor

    Brilliant, another country developes nuclear weapons? Oh lord, save us from Dubya.

    Then make us a dedication with some good fucking swears you fucker :D Fore more of the same: check kurvengeflüster's avatar - he pulled a majed :howler:
  14. Slagathor

    Brilliant, another country developes nuclear weapons? Oh lord, save us from Dubya.

    It's about fucking time you lamer :D
  15. Slagathor

    Brilliant, another country developes nuclear weapons? Oh lord, save us from Dubya.

    Fuck's sake, he was being sarcastic. How could you NOT get that?
  16. Slagathor

    Brilliant, another country developes nuclear weapons? Oh lord, save us from Dubya.

    Oh well that happens every time. Then Rotterdam expands and take the first place back again. They are building a second Maasvlakte right now, it is supposed to open in one year's time. :D
  17. Slagathor

    Brilliant, another country developes nuclear weapons? Oh lord, save us from Dubya.

    A strong euro is an incredible pain in the ass if you live in Holland. Our economy revolves around Germany - they produce and we transport it to the rest of the world through 4 major seaports and several airports. If their exports drop because of a strong euro; we're screwed. Damn you Paris...
  18. Slagathor

    Brilliant, another country developes nuclear weapons? Oh lord, save us from Dubya.

    Not the author; the fact that the French have taken the initiative to this promotion campaign for the euro that is not going to do much good if you ask me.
  19. Slagathor

    Brilliant, another country developes nuclear weapons? Oh lord, save us from Dubya.

    Fucks's sake, it was always going to be the French wasn't it? :lazy: