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  1. juventino899

    Carlos Tevez

    FUCK MEEEEE...can't wait for pre season friendlies! Good job Marotta, Quality player for a very very reasonable price, keep the good signings coming. I'd love to see a good CB and LB now :D
  2. juventino899

    Carlos Tevez

    Fook yeah!
  3. juventino899

    Carlos Tevez

    Tevez is a great player, while he isn't the best scorer he helps out the team and should fit in well into Conte's tactics
  4. juventino899

    Carlos Tevez

    If this tranfer does go through, we're going to have an amazing attack --------------Tevez------Llorente-------------- with Vuc, Gio, Giac, Quag and possibly Matri as subs!
  5. juventino899

    Carlos Tevez

    I'll believe it when its confirmed :P
  6. juventino899

    Carlos Tevez

    I don't think any one of us should get out hopes us based on what has happened these last few seasons + we already have Llorente so we shouldn't be as worried. We need another top striker but lets not buy into all these rumours yet.
  7. juventino899

    Carlos Tevez

    Tevez would be a great signing esp if he can take a wage cut. Tevez + Higuain + Llorente = great chance of the CL ;)
  8. juventino899

    Carlos Tevez

    I think Tevez is a great player but he's a money hungry cunt
  9. juventino899

    Carlos Tevez

    I still think its really unlikely he'd come, but people saying they don't want him at the club need to watch him play more often, he can change a team, true he has personal problems..who doesn't? he isn't happy in Manchester and if we can make it into the CL this year our chances would be much...
  10. juventino899

    Carlos Tevez
  11. juventino899

    Carlos Tevez

    I'd say it depends on who the CB and LB are, As good as Tevez is i'd rather upgrade the defence and get a good Right Winger to replace Krasic
  12. juventino899

    Carlos Tevez

    your last 4 posts were all useless..try actually commenting on the subject?
  13. juventino899

    Carlos Tevez

    Some people really don't understand football, I still remember members saying they don't want Pirlo cause he'd too old or 'hes finished'. Tevez would imo prove the same point Pirlo did and become our best player
  14. juventino899

    Carlos Tevez

    Lets face it, i'm not getting my hopes up on Tevez but i'd definitely get rid of Amauri, Iaquinta and even Quag to free up wages for him. He can take us a step closer to the Scudetto. However we should definitely buy a CB + LB first
  15. juventino899

    Carlos Tevez

    Theres almost no chance he'll join us but he'd be a player we need in attack, he works extremely hard for the team only problem would be his character
  16. juventino899

    Carlos Tevez

    I really doubt any of this is true