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  1. Roman

    Carlos Tevez

    FUCKING YESSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!! Finally,such a joy to see him here,smiling,looking happy with the fans.....TEVEEEEZZZZZZZZ!!!!! :tuttosport::tuttosport::tuttosport::tuttosport::tuttosport::tuttosport::tuttosport::tuttosport::tuttosport:
  2. Roman

    Carlos Tevez

    Al momento le ultime indiscrezioni raccolte parlano di un volo in arrivo verso le 15,00 dall'Argentina. L'unico volo, invece, previsto da Manchester è il numero BE 07354 che parte dal MANCHESTER INTERNATIONAL Airport. Tevez on his way to Italy on a flight from Manchester arriving arround 14:25...
  3. Roman

    Carlos Tevez

  4. Roman

    Carlos Tevez

    Who did you expect?Suarez?
  5. Roman

    Carlos Tevez

    Tevez...:touched: what a great signing,i just hopes he comes motivated and will give it all on the pitch.(i'm sure Conte will take care of the mental part;) Tuttosport saying he's arriving today and medical today as well. Sky saying arrival today medical tommorow.
  6. Roman

    Carlos Tevez

    FB page...
  7. Roman

    Carlos Tevez

    "La Juve era quello che volevo." -Carlitos Tevez Juve is what i wanted(google translate) :beer:
  8. Roman

    Carlos Tevez

    No doubt
  9. Roman

    Carlos Tevez

    Wow!Finally!!!! :tuttosport::tuttosport::tuttosport::tuttosport::tuttosport::tuttosport::tuttosport::tuttosport::tuttosport::tuttosport::tuttosport::tuttosport::tuttosport: After all that long day full of reports! And for 9+3mil???!!!WTF!? Marrota - is a fucking genius!:touched::tup: Forza...
  10. Roman

    Carlos Tevez

    If you don't believe any rumor/report about us being close to signing him,why would you believe that we actually offered 7-8mil? It can also be a BS.
  11. Roman

    Carlos Tevez

  12. Roman

    Carlos Tevez

    Yup,according to Sky the meeting still going on... 18:35 - JUVE-CITY, INCONTRO IN CORSO A LONDRA - E' in corso proprio in questi minuti a Londra il vertice tra i dirigenti della Juventus e quelli del Manchester City per parlare di Carlitos Tevez. Lo riferisce Sky Sport.
  13. Roman

    Carlos Tevez

  14. Roman

    Carlos Tevez

  15. Roman

    Carlos Tevez

    Just read on FB some report that our guy who's responsible for club's contracts(Alessandro Bianchi...?) is also there...:xfinger:
  16. Roman

    Carlos Tevez

    OMG LOOKS SO GOOD!!!:tuttosport::tuttosport::tuttosport::tuttosport::tuttosport::tuttosport::tuttosport::tuttosport::tuttosport::tuttosport::tuttosport::tuttosport:
  17. Roman

    Carlos Tevez

    :lol: @Tommy :tup: Common Beppe don't screw this one and sign him ffs!
  18. Roman

    Carlos Tevez

  19. Roman

    Carlos Tevez

    Where do you put Jojo if get him as well? Tevez,Llorente,Jojo,Gio,Mirko.
  20. Roman

    Carlos Tevez

    I know it's fantasy type of question,BUT if you had to chose 2 out of these 3: Tevez,Higuain & Jojo. Would you still take Jojo? or it's obvious Tevez & Higuain?:D Not taking transfers fee and nothing else in consideration...