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  1. Dominic

    Carlos Tevez

    By the by, I dont think I ever predicted Volpato to be a great player. It's just that Volpato is the shit.
  2. Dominic

    Carlos Tevez

    And Rej Volpato is still the shit, so I dont know what you're talking about.
  3. Dominic

    Carlos Tevez

    If only I had more vPredictionskills.
  4. Dominic

    Carlos Tevez

    I need the right vConnections to help me, like Badass! My vWit alone isn't cutting it, you're right.
  5. Dominic

    Carlos Tevez

    You stooped down to our lowly level now?
  6. Dominic

    Carlos Tevez

    Who'll be the new forum clown then?