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  1. swag

    whats you life phylosophy ?

    Makes sense. But as in many things in life, you learn more about trying things and seeing what works with experience (which is related to age). Unless, of course, you're Paolo Montero... :frown: But they can work too. What made someone like Martin Luther King Jr. so effective was that he...
  2. swag

    whats you life phylosophy ?

    How old or you? Please don't take offense at the question. I ask because I've had probably had very much the same ideas as you before. There's a certain tendency that comes with age where the younger you are, the more you think you know the better "shortcuts" toward change -- that the usual...
  3. swag

    whats you life phylosophy ?

    I'm hardly the devotee of John Kerry, but whatever it takes to get the White House cleaned out of evildoers is fine by me -- even if it's by armed chimpanzees. (When you talk about comparing the lesser of two evils, the Bush administration sets a pretty high standard where anyone short of...
  4. swag

    whats you life phylosophy ?

    Right now my life philosophy is to get the American Taliban voted out of office here. Had a house party/fundraiser last weekend and raised over $2500 ... every bit counts in the war over the moral future of this whacked out country I'm from.