Search results

  1. Bianconero81

    Future coach

    The fact that Di Fartzio mentioned Suckatelli and the Benign Baguette (2 seasons in absentia, one mediocre, and one decent) as "indispensable" makes that report laughable. Fuck that cunt.
  2. Bianconero81

    Future coach

    How old are you? 60? :D :b81:
  3. Bianconero81

    Future coach

    He won't be going to the red cunts of Manc. Siamak is just thirsting for Wanda, Icunti's wife, so he feels slightly discombobulated.
  4. Bianconero81

    Future coach

    No. Fuck Cunte. A guaranteed failure on the European stage. Let's stop revisiting the past FFS! We need progress.
  5. Bianconero81

    Future coach

  6. Bianconero81

    Future coach

    More like this Samba - low quality, cracks at the earliest sign of pressure, and offers ZERO guarantees of good taste.
  7. Bianconero81

    Future coach

  8. Bianconero81

    Future coach

    Motta it is then. Fuck Cunte, and Hell Naw to the Fraudulent Flaccid Livornese.
  9. Bianconero81

    Future coach

    No chance. Why would he come here when he could go to Bayern or Liverpool?
  10. Bianconero81

    Future coach

    Wrong! Lippi wasn't a big coach before coming here. Conte was a nobody coach before coming here. We need a modern progressive coach with clear ideas, a coach who knows how to implement his strategy, and who isn't a stubborn mule or an obdurate fuck who's too arrogant to adapt.
  11. Bianconero81

    Future coach

    :yuck: :inter: That would be disgusting.
  12. Bianconero81

    Future coach

    It's for pussyfag teams
  13. Bianconero81

    Future coach

    No to Spunketi or Spaghetti, whatever you wanna call him. I'm all for Tudor or De Zobri, but I feel Palladingo is still too raw. 1685017572 Italiano - it doesn't get aymore Paisan than that @Dru
  14. Bianconero81

    Future coach

    It's Lapa man. Never take anything a drunk Finnish man, living in a place where the sun doesn't shine 7 months out of the year seriously, says seriously. 1684968539 Permanently. He's also a Fagiot throater. Imagine being fucked or cucked by both Sarri and Veronique at the same time :yuck: :inter:
  15. Bianconero81

    Future coach

    Pirlo? :howler: :rofl: GTFO!
  16. Bianconero81

    Future coach

    I'm an old man, remember? This happened 15 years ago. I don't even remember what I had for breakfast yesterday :D :b81:
  17. Bianconero81

    Future coach

    It's ok. We won't hire him. He doesn't have the one significant criterion considered when bringing in a "new" face - he isn't Italian. Sure, he has that Juventus DNA, but the only non-Italian coach we have hired over the past 35 years has been Deschamps, and the only reason we did that was...
  18. Bianconero81

    Future coach

    With Marseille.
  19. Bianconero81

    Future coach

    De Zerbi and Tudor come to mind. Heck even Pioli. Ideally we'd expand our search to look beyond Italian shores and/or ex-Juve players, but that's not how we roll @ JJ. We don't like taking risks, unless it's on freebies and injured players. The important thing is not to go for reheated soup...
  20. Bianconero81

    Future coach

    Disgraceful :sigh: :b81: