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  1. Badass J Elkann

    Future coach

    Maybe Di Marzio is quoting GJustJuve from 6 days ago...
  2. Badass J Elkann

    Future coach

    I didn't ask for Badass Motta
  3. Badass J Elkann

    Future coach My Coach is hereeeeee :tuttosport: 1716501344 We also need to bring this guy, currently part of Motta's coaching staff but he is one of the key members behind Motta's success especially on a fitness level...
  4. Badass J Elkann

    Future coach

    Hopefully not crapoli bound.
  5. Badass J Elkann

    Future coach

    Not quite, I actually think de zerbi is overrated, I don't see him having that ruthless winning mentality or has the will to create a winning culture but because he's a premier league manager hes suddenly flavour of the month to many. I just dont see him succeeding at a big club in the same way...
  6. Badass J Elkann

    Future coach

    Worse, there are people who want de zerbi. Guy has won next to fuck all
  7. Badass J Elkann

    Future coach

    I believe that we have been negotiating with motta for months to the point both parties have agreed at least in principle. Milan are a mess, they don't know which manager they want, 1 minute it's lopetegui, then fans start crying about it so the club suddenly do a u turn and go for someone like...
  8. Badass J Elkann

    Future coach

    I think its inevitable, nothing will be confirmed till the season is over.
  9. Badass J Elkann

    Future coach

    Hiring any coach will be a risk, to be honest Zidane wouldn't even bring any greater guarantees of success than Motta at Juve. What I will say is this and will differ Immensely to the comparison to delneri Motta has a proven record now to now build a team which is more than what can be said...
  10. Badass J Elkann

    Future coach

    No, most probably a break as that is one of his reasons for leaving.
  11. Badass J Elkann

    Future coach

    I really hope so, Motta is the only realistic option I like. I hope we make it official asap 1714047115 Hell Conte stuck his middle finger at Agnelli in our stadium :lol:
  12. Badass J Elkann

    Future coach

    No Maifredi was more like a less successful version of Sarri. Motta is a very different manager on so many levels
  13. Badass J Elkann

    Future coach

    Announce Motta!
  14. Badass J Elkann

    Future coach

    I'd take motta on the basis of all of the above, and the advantage of having played for some of the biggest clubs he would understand how to manage the dressing room and the pressures of being at a big club. I believe Motta has a far greater ceiling than Palladino.
  15. Badass J Elkann

    Future coach

    Why? Motta has been coaching for longer and has been improving over time.
  16. Badass J Elkann

    Future coach

  17. Badass J Elkann

    Future coach

    Elklown has never heard of Klopp
  18. Badass J Elkann

    Future coach

    we aren't getting Zidane, Elklown would rather renew allegri
  19. Badass J Elkann

    Future coach

    That's 7 and a bit years of Allegri hell paid for
  20. Badass J Elkann

    Future coach

    No we need barca to win so we can unleash jihadiball to the world at next year's club world cup.