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  1. Mattia De Sciglio

    How do you know that? I remember a lot of times they tried to play it from MDS to dybala to miss placed pass. i dont think he had specific instructions from Allegri to not go forward like Sandro. They were both just utterly shit. Allegri chose MDS because he wanted a more stable defender than...
  2. Mattia De Sciglio

    Goals wins champions leagues, defense does NOT, they get you league titles. How many more failures you need to witness before learning? Worlds supposed best defense got shiat on when it mattered the most (1-4, 1-3)#UnLogicBomb. You think Zidane would ever field MDS against Atl.Madrid in a...
  3. Mattia De Sciglio

    YES SO MUCH LOL HERE, LOL THERE. Please come back from whatever planet you were watching the match from. Its the year 2019 on earth, we demand footballers can play offensively.
  4. Mattia De Sciglio

    You actually believe what you are writing? Never will a team win UCL with this guy in the STARTING-LINEUP
  5. Mattia De Sciglio

    Average game, since United was dogshit. Brings nothing forward
  6. Mattia De Sciglio

    Sad he missed that tackle, but the defending in the box is just utterly shit. Why the fuck does Berna have to try and mark two players, while Chiello, Sandro and Pjanic is just watching football. And Khedira cant even be bothered to take the "last" sprint of the game.