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  1. Are you ready for this?

    Thats weak man [/cartman] I should study too, I have a German exam later on. But fvck it, I'll copy from my mate and I'll learn something on the other classes :D
  2. Are you ready for this?

    Hello, hello old chap. :) What do you need to study? Maths? Aaah, just fvck 'em :D
  3. Are you ready for this?

    Wow, thats really nice of you, I didnt see that coming :) Anyways, dont expect me there, I was just kidding. I kinda doubt I'll make it ;)
  4. Are you ready for this?

    Aha, I see where you are going you fox, you manipulating bastard :irritate: ;) Anyways, good night :sleepy: :lazy:
  5. Are you ready for this?

    250 people and yet I'm not invited??? :(
  6. Are you ready for this?

    The worst thing is that he cant even find friends on the Internet ;) (You and me make a good tag team gray. You hold him down and I'll jump and elbow him from the top rope :D ) ;)
  7. Are you ready for this?

    1969??? :eek: Actually you can change it yourself, in the profile menu ;)
  8. Are you ready for this?

    Actually: Date Serge joined: September 16th Date I went into depression: October 11th
  9. Are you ready for this?

    Oh, it's just your president then? :undecide: :D If you give me his name I'll bake him some cookies :angel: :D What??? :D What did you tell them: "I'm just arguing with this 17 year old asshole from Bosnia in a Juventus soccer forum about politics and American foreign policies...
  10. Are you ready for this?

    OK, I'm sorry. I ment to say you wouldnt care if it didnt directly affect you, which it does because of your friend. Anyways, why the hell wouldnt he be OK, the war ended 8 years ago, there is absolutley nothing for the international forces to do here. Thats why they get drunk and randomly shoot...
  11. Are you ready for this?

    Dont you thinl it was just a little bit over the top Vit? I mean the whole putting-hand-into-breast-and-taking-bullet-out thing was the part where I said: "oh, coooome on, what the fvck!!!"
  12. Are you ready for this?

    It's OK mate, I know you dont really care, just like i dont care about things in iraq because they dont directly affect me. It's just human nature ;) Anyways, lets stop this politics talk ;)
  13. Are you ready for this?

    :touched: Actually, Sarajevo wasone of the most beautiful and most tolerant cities in the world. You can find centuries old mosques, churches and synagogs in a circle of 100 meters. Then there were the Olympics in '84 of course. It was really great.
  14. Are you ready for this?

    Where did you think I lived? Didnt you know I'm from Bosnia? Things are OK here, normal more or less (except the Fortress surrounded by 6 feet of concrete walls with 20 swat members guarding it 24/7, aka the American embassy ;) ). The biggest problem is the fvcked up economy and the...
  15. Are you ready for this?

  16. Are you ready for this?

    Hmmm, this means: Bosnia > Australia > Malaysia :cool:
  17. Are you ready for this?

    OK DJ, I'm gonna make you even more sad by saying it comes out November 5th here too :D :P In Sarajevo. In Bosnia. You know what that means right??? Bosnia >>>>>>>> Malaysia :D