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  1. Ronn

    Belgium bombings 22-Mar-2016

    He's Danish though :D
  2. Ronn

    Belgium bombings 22-Mar-2016

    They already have the conclusion. Just looking for pictures to support it.
  3. Ronn

    Belgium bombings 22-Mar-2016

    Turks in charge with Gulen as their leader :tup:
  4. Ronn

    Belgium bombings 22-Mar-2016

    I agree with almost everything, but cannot understand how it helps the Middle East? It won't stop Iran and Saudi Arabia of fucking with each other, will it?
  5. Ronn

    Belgium bombings 22-Mar-2016

    Who are you referring to by "the other side"?
  6. Ronn

    Belgium bombings 22-Mar-2016

    You know I don't have a problem with his judgement, considering time and place. But Muslims believe everything he did was timeless. I can't see how you can pull this shit off in this day and age and not slapped with war crime charges
  7. Ronn

    Belgium bombings 22-Mar-2016

    You hardly find strong sourcing from a middle of a forgotten desert 1400 years ago. But maybe this is stronger for you:
  8. Ronn

    Belgium bombings 22-Mar-2016

    This is one example. There are many. I read this 10 years ago, and it was very shocking to me at that time.
  9. Ronn

    Belgium bombings 22-Mar-2016

  10. Ronn

    Belgium bombings 22-Mar-2016

    first of all, that ship has already sailed. They will blame the west forever. second, are you familiar with ISIS ideology? they very much want a confrontation with west to start off their post-apocalyptic world. Similar thing can be said of otyher Islamist groups. Why did AlQaeda attack US? US...
  11. Ronn

    Belgium bombings 22-Mar-2016

    Because they won't only kill each other. They develop a strong terrorist organization in that stateless anarchist dream. Then they come to you. AlQaeda, ISIS and AlShabab all started off in this environment. I'm not suggesting west should interfere. But I see many people see this...
  12. Ronn

    Belgium bombings 22-Mar-2016

    Ha! That was my question a few posts ago too :D I think their culture is to blame too. But disintegration is not only on them. EDIT: Chinese have a significant problem with integration as far as I know.
  13. Ronn

    Belgium bombings 22-Mar-2016

    1- It's a very connected world. Leaving Middle East won't really mean you don't get affected. Actually, except a very limited intervention from US, Syria is mostly left to itself. That did not help did it? If you leave them totally to themselves, chances are they won't come up with a stable...
  14. Ronn

    Belgium bombings 22-Mar-2016

    I get it. It's logical, and it's the quick (although dirty) solution. But this is only one part of a long term solution. A long term solution is to be able to integrate. But unfortunately, looks like Europe is only interested in the first part of the solution. That's not going to work. It's...
  15. Ronn

    Belgium bombings 22-Mar-2016

    How? Most of Syria's land is not run by any state. And without any state that can provide credible background information, It's impossible.
  16. Ronn

    Belgium bombings 22-Mar-2016

    :tup: I'm not sure it's resolved with distribution though. That disintegration seems to be cultural, and I think both cultures are partly to blame.
  17. Ronn

    Belgium bombings 22-Mar-2016

    They are first on Nato's alphabetic list :D
  18. Ronn

    Belgium bombings 22-Mar-2016

    At least for Chinese, there's always such district. Even if there is not, they make sure to stay in touch with only each other mostly. My point was this disintegration does not necessarily result in hostility. Or at least it shouldn't.
  19. Ronn

    Belgium bombings 22-Mar-2016

    Isn't this the same with Chinese and Koreans?