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  1. Catenaccio

    Belgium bombings 22-Mar-2016

    As much as I would like to see Sanders win the Democrat nomination, that is simply not going to happen. Hillary has way too much support right now. It will be a Trump vs Hilary election.
  2. Catenaccio

    Belgium bombings 22-Mar-2016

    Side note here. These events will probably see Donald Trump's popularity go up a notch in the US now. That is another disturbing side effect too.
  3. Catenaccio

    Belgium bombings 22-Mar-2016

    Sadly, the ISIS ideology is poisonous. I really don't know how to combat them. How do you attack an enemy that is scattered and infiltrated into normal society. Sad times. If you ban Syrian refugees - they win. If you let them in - they win. If society and government becomes right wing -...
  4. Catenaccio

    Belgium bombings 22-Mar-2016

    Death toll news is so inconsistent. At first they said 10 died in the metro and 13 at the airport, then they said zero killed at metro, now they are saying 21 total. I fear that news networks are doing their best to confuse and keep us tuned in.