Search results

  1. [Serie A] Roma - JUVENTUS (August 30th, 2015)

    If we don't play 352, we'll be obliged to take Barzagli out and put Padoin in. The difference between them is just too much. You can't bench Barzagli for Padoin, never, regardless of the scheme. Allegri will park the bus and try to counter. I'm ok with this, play the safe game. However, Alex...
  2. [Serie A] Roma - JUVENTUS (August 30th, 2015)

    Pogba as a regista? What the hell is that? Why don't you just use Sturaro as a typical DM, freeing Pogba and Pereyra? Hopefully it's media bullshit. And once again, a 532 with Licht and Evra is just bad.
  3. [Serie A] Roma - JUVENTUS (August 30th, 2015)

    I like Dybala-Morata, specially if we're gonna play on counters, like we'll do against Roma. Mandzukic doesn't fit that well.
  4. [Serie A] Roma - JUVENTUS (August 30th, 2015)

    I really would like to see Sandro playing, but the guy just arrived, than ok. I hate 532, but actually in an away game, countering, it could work. Would rather have the 4312, but if you have to chose between Padoin and Barzagli, you just can't go with Pado, regardless of the scheme. He...