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  1. Juan Cuadrado

    I think that is what he is explaining. Thats also an interesting decision. That either means that they believe the chance for reaching the CL final is very little, or that Cuadrado would be of no use, compared to a random bench player. Which one would it be?
  2. Juan Cuadrado

    He messes up in attack time to time, but he was deployed much more centrally this year and last year too, where he excels with his coolness and complete control of the ball. He was averaging INSANELY high passing accuracy, often the highest on the team, even if many of his passes are challenging...
  3. Juan Cuadrado

    Had he not gotten his injury and had Allegri played him, I think our season would have looked different right now. Incredible loss. Yet so many seemed not to realize his importance for our play.
  4. Juan Cuadrado

    Not gonna go into this discussion, just gonna say we have a completely different understanding about what football is, and that I am a bit mindblown.
  5. Juan Cuadrado

    Huge loss. He was one of the most important players. He was running our midfield and build up play, when it mattered against tough opposition. His injury must be pretty bad, since they dont enroll him. It would be worth giving him the spot even if he might only be available for a semi final.
  6. Juan Cuadrado

    Was the highest ranked player today on Whoscored, a bit surprisingly, got a bit lucky with the assist. But had a lot of tackles, interceptions and was involved in the first two goals.
  7. Juan Cuadrado

    Great first half, average 2nd half.
  8. Juan Cuadrado

    Yet another good performance. Most touches on the ball in the team. High passing accuracy, many key passes. He could have had a few assists again if Ronaldo had converted. Ran his socks off yet again and won many balls back. Commentator thought he was our best player. Tuz is another story...
  9. Juan Cuadrado

    Let's see. If we opt for 4-3-3 and playing Ronaldo as a left winger for some reason, then there is obviously 3 good players (Cuad, Berna, Costa) for one spot.
  10. Juan Cuadrado

    And how poor we have been.. random statement
  11. Juan Cuadrado

    Let's see, he has been a regular and among our best performing players that last few years, despite always being criticised. He seem to be .ore respected now than previously for some reason. However age is slowly starting to catch up with him and we might very well find a replacement for him for...
  12. Juan Cuadrado

    Its not your work to do, but it makes your argument weaker indeed, that you cant think of some better players, to a player you try to state is not good enough.
  13. Juan Cuadrado

    lol yes, I'm seeing them. I just mentioned them. I don't know who out there is clearly better, you are the one saying it. So I asked who, to get an idea about players you think would suit us more than Cuads, as an RM/RW playmaker type with high attacking and defensive workrate. I'm sure you have...
  14. Juan Cuadrado

    So who are these elite players? And who in our team takes over the other responsibilities? Or do we need to upgrade there too, to be in an overall surplus. Costa and Bernadeschi has similar goals/games rate as Cuadrado.
  15. Juan Cuadrado

    He had some spells scoring plenty of goals, but nowadays he doesn't get enough into those positions. I think he could still get to 5-8 goals this season though, if we play him. He gets a lot of critique and obviously when you miss a chance like yesterday you also have to expect it. But I'm not...
  16. Juan Cuadrado

    Haha yeah I know it would cause some reaction, but I think I'm being pretty objective in my criticism of him. Actually I don't mind the dude, he should just not start at the cost of others who are better for our play (Costa, Cuadrado, Dybala (,Berna) maybe). 1541338968 Yeah he used to be more...
  17. Juan Cuadrado

    lol this is the most ridiculous I have seen. Just again shows how biased some are susceptible to be when watching sport. Had Cuadrado not been a brown afro guy from Columbia but been Bernadeschi, then the situation would also have been a whole other. Cuadrado has been a top 4 performing player...
  18. Juan Cuadrado

    He had 1-2 episodes he might have done better, but that's out of the 15 that he was involved with. Cuadrado is always judged on the 2 though. He produce so much each time and our other players let him do so for a reason. So versatile and reliable this season.
  19. Juan Cuadrado

    Superb player. Hope he can keep the level from previous seasons.
  20. Juan Cuadrado

    You dont like him and thats fine, many dont. But he shows his worth every game. Allegri and the team will surely be happy about his performance tonight. Also rated the...