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  1. Juan Cuadrado

    He was probably the last player I liked in this club. Lol.
  2. Juan Cuadrado

    Thats why football should never be taken too seriously. Its just entertainment. WWE-like. People are there to make money. Attachment to a club is always circunstancial 1689595074 Its just cringy to be emotionally attached to these clubs and players.. its stupid really
  3. Juan Cuadrado

    He has done so much more than it was expected from him. He bailed this shit management for years. Can't hate him at all..
  4. Juan Cuadrado

    Management has been over reliying on Cuadrado to provide offense and some flair and spacing for years now. And he actually devidered. Never gets injured, always reliable. One day it would start to backfire. Guy is 34 ffs. He does what he can. Management 100% at fault for this. Fuck them all
  5. Juan Cuadrado

    Really, this guy has been heavily relied on to provide offense for this team for 6 or 7 years now. His regularity is absurd. He's never injured. Always a key member of the squad. Always been underpaid and underrated in regards to his actual importance. Legend. I wouldn't mind if they gave him...
  6. Juan Cuadrado

    Legend. But obviously won't work on the left.. his perfect place is as the backup RW
  7. Juan Cuadrado

    Will he primarily be a winger or a RB?
  8. Juan Cuadrado

  9. Juan Cuadrado

    Ideally we'd sign a RB to rotate with Cuadrado next season, but that's not happening. Danilo is there and that is that.
  10. Juan Cuadrado

    Love you
  11. Juan Cuadrado

    Surprisingly good.
  12. Juan Cuadrado

    He's pretty past it, it was quite clear from last season. But in Sarri's scheme, his game style is quite valuable as a backup. As long we don't renew his contract which is done next june, it's OK. Do NOT do it, Paratici.
  13. Juan Cuadrado

    If Cancelo leaves, could be useful for a 352 option. Not sure about his utility as a winger though, he really declined..
  14. Juan Cuadrado

    I think we'll see a sharp decline soon... he suddenly looks with less explosion
  15. Juan Cuadrado

    All time squad player. Absolutely sensational as a backup/rotation guy. Really wish Allegri had tried this guy before as a RB. But please deploy him fulltime on this position, he could give 2 or 3 very good years on that.
  16. Juan Cuadrado

    Sounds like a very good option.
  17. Juan Cuadrado

    I simply love Cuadrado.
  18. Juan Cuadrado

    He's much more suited to 352 in our playing style than Alves. In 442, play Licht.
  19. Juan Cuadrado

    MoM has to be Bonucci for the goal, but Cuadrado was great once again. He just can't be let out of the starting team. He's been consistently excellent.
  20. Juan Cuadrado

    Cuadrado is Juve's most in form player for quite some time now. Allegri must start this guy, preferrably as a RW or a RWB, positions best suited for him. He cannot go back to bench playing like this, it would be simply unfair. Right now he should be, hands down, our starting RWB.