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  1. ebraheej

    Pacino or Deniro

    In simon Pacino is a loser that nobody looks up to.
  2. ebraheej

    Pacino or Deniro

    scareface, Godfather, Scent of a Women, any given sunday............:groan:
  3. ebraheej

    Pacino or Deniro

    and thanx for the lists :)
  4. ebraheej

    Pacino or Deniro

    All are good movies but not as good as Al's movies. A great actor like robert shouldnt be in movies like analyze this and that. He lowered his standards. But still a great actor...
  5. ebraheej

    Pacino or Deniro

    ;) thanx btw (goat). and yeah colin farill is an idiot, Al is the king.....
  6. ebraheej

    Pacino or Deniro

    Both are considered legends, and both are great actors, but who do you prefer?????? I choose Al Pacino because all his movies are great, godfather, scent of a women, Scareface........ And he chooses his roles carefully unlike robert De niro.... And he is so cool :cool: