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  1. lgorTudor

    Baltimore Riots/Freddie Gray

    Media being one-sided again Blacks can be terrorists too
  2. lgorTudor

    Baltimore Riots/Freddie Gray

    Cartoon is putting the hood into little red riding hood
  3. lgorTudor

    Baltimore Riots/Freddie Gray

    @Ocelot your god has spoken
  4. lgorTudor

    Baltimore Riots/Freddie Gray

    Just get the "Everybody Hates Chris" Mom to Baltimore and there won't be riots by the next day :D
  5. lgorTudor

    Baltimore Riots/Freddie Gray

    Depends, do you live there? :D
  6. lgorTudor

    Baltimore Riots/Freddie Gray

    Everybody says Berlin consists of Turks but there are only 6%. Thought it's "worse" in America...30% maybe Yesterday while watching the Mayor's press conference I was wondering how the mayor, the police chief and other important dudes were black. Now I understand, in Baltimore 60% are Blacks :D
  7. lgorTudor

    Baltimore Riots/Freddie Gray

    Never had an idea the numbers were that big. Thought there were maybe ~30% Blacks in the "blackest" city
  8. lgorTudor

    Baltimore Riots/Freddie Gray

    italian/english sopcast stream anybody?