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  1. Bjerknes

    Baltimore Riots/Freddie Gray

    Yes, the whites looted several stores in downtown New Orleans, yelling "down with n***** cops!" along the way. Of course not! The cops in Baltimore were indicted, and it's not quite clear what happened. The other folks apart from Trayvon were breaking the law, but Trayvon was proven to...
  2. Bjerknes

    Baltimore Riots/Freddie Gray

  3. Bjerknes

    Baltimore Riots/Freddie Gray

    If only there were more affirmative action programs, this would have never happened.
  4. Bjerknes

    Baltimore Riots/Freddie Gray

    They should utilize every torture method in the book for this kid, and keep a doctor nearby to keep him alive so it can continue endlessly.
  5. Bjerknes

    Baltimore Riots/Freddie Gray

    It really seems like Obama does as well. Unfortunately, we're going to get one at this pace. And once again, the media is not discussing how this freak is yet another big pharma psych drug abuser. Practically all of the mass shootings I can remember have been pulled by clowns who are on...
  6. Bjerknes

    Baltimore Riots/Freddie Gray

    You guys are falling for the media again, apart from X. Multiple witnesses said the folks at the party were acting unruly. The dumb black girl was probably out of line and then her friends rushed the cop. How stupid can those clowns be? They were lucky they weren't all shot. This is just...
  7. Bjerknes

    Baltimore Riots/Freddie Gray

    You can't even concoct a coherent paragraph. I want no association with you or your kind. I just had dinner with a gay San Francisco couple and a black man from Atlanta. We all agree we can get along. Oh dear, so much racism and anti-gay and everything.
  8. Bjerknes

    Baltimore Riots/Freddie Gray

    The police chief in Cleveland looks like Denzel Washington. Jesus fuckin christ, they have Denzel as the goddamn police chief! And they STILL want more and think the police force is filled with racists! :lol:
  9. Bjerknes

    Baltimore Riots/Freddie Gray

    I think Baltimore and Cleveland should shower the city in black paint to help race relations. Obviously their black police chiefs and mayors are not enough, we need more. Come on, be Liberal. - - - Updated - - - He should, though. You know, just to help race relations.
  10. Bjerknes

    Baltimore Riots/Freddie Gray

    Not guilty. The court system is racist! Only in place to keep a black man down.
  11. Bjerknes

    Baltimore Riots/Freddie Gray

    This country is so pathetic now you can't go anywhere without having a stupid race discussion.
  12. Bjerknes

    Baltimore Riots/Freddie Gray

    Nah, I think it should be revoked just so some Europeans can feel better about themselves.
  13. Bjerknes

    Baltimore Riots/Freddie Gray

    And on top of that, this: Reminds me of Gran Torino. Except he should have shot them all with an AR15.
  14. Bjerknes

    Baltimore Riots/Freddie Gray

    Really? Even with each patrol car sitting on the corner of every block? Oh, they only work for the political class, so they don't really care about you? Got it. Maggot criminals.
  15. Bjerknes

    Baltimore Riots/Freddie Gray

    Yes, clearly there are no opportunities for the blacks in racist USSA and Edgar Allen Poe was a staunch advocate of violence.
  16. Bjerknes

    Baltimore Riots/Freddie Gray He's a piece of trash.
  17. Bjerknes

    Baltimore Riots/Freddie Gray

    Attention Protesters: That Over-Zealous Agitator Might Be A Cop (VIDEO) Not to say the hundreds of clowns looting the stores were cops, but maybe there were a couple, who knows. What a country we live in now. - - -...
  18. Bjerknes

    Baltimore Riots/Freddie Gray

    Again, what the fuck do you want us to do? Of course some blacks propagate racism, it's their agenda.
  19. Bjerknes

    Baltimore Riots/Freddie Gray

    On the front page of the Washington Post they have a bunch of black folks celebrating in the streets of Baltimore just because the cops were indicted. Just goes to show the stupidity of the masses, celebrating over a death and possible punishment before the trial even begins. Just like some...
  20. Bjerknes

    Baltimore Riots/Freddie Gray

    Wow, he's talented. Not.